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Breathe & Bathe

Breathe & Bathe

Online Weekly Winter Immersion

"Sleep is not a dead space, but a doorway to a different kind of consciousness—one that is reflective and restorative, full of tangential thought and unexpected insights." Katherine May

Winter is the season where nature sleeps. her bare naked bones are revealed for all to see, stripped back hedgerows in landscapes that lay quiet and still.

Those of you who know me well, know that i tend so deeply to my winter season, trusting in the gift of space, sleep and dream. For us this is a time where we must replenish, take deep rest and find acceptance in the slow, and a deeper call to nurture and nourish. Surrendering to natures simplicity, is restoring so deeply what lives and thrives within.

With these intentions, I will be offering a weekly online space where we will come together, breathe into our bodies and take deep rest as we bathe in the transformative sounds of the alchemy singing bowls. There is no experience necessary and all is welcome. Each session will begin with a guided breath practise and a grounding meditation finishing with an alchemy sound journey.

This online circle will begin on Tuesday 18th January from 1.30pm - 2.15pm and will be 45minutes of pure bliss. We will journey for 5 weeks, ending on Tuesday 22nd February (No class during half term week of 15th).

Investment £75.00 for 5 weeks, This gives you exclusive online access to the session and the recordings to use as many times as you need.

Drop in sessions available £15.00 - click here to purchase

On booking you will receive a link to the session via zoom, a welcome email and list of things you may need each week.

16 January

Sacred Sound Bath Now Full

30 January

Sacred Sound Bath